To All Members,
Please take a look at the associated information page, which illustrates the purpose of our safety bill. I know and truly believe this is something we can all connect with. The need to be able to attend to our health when sick, as every other worker in the State of Washington is afforded.
When an issue or problem is recognized by a railroad worker, and that action must be to unplug from the rigours of the many environments we are subject and must navigate in order to safely arrive home, and reconnect with our families. There must be an avenue to do so, this bill will allow for just that.
In addition to the importance of not only acquiring Family Medical Leave, but to have the abiity to do so without the accrued bank of hours being reduced through rapid depletion is paramount.
We all want a loftful career, that will see us through to retirement. Leaving something for the next person so they to may continue the traditions set forth by the generations of rails before us.
There is pride, dignity and honor between us and how we perform our duties as professionals; and have earned the right to call upon these most basic of provisions when necessary.
Contact your Legislators (State Representatives and State Senator) and tell them why they should support your safety legislation.... HB 1843 Safe Leave Act for Railroad Workers.