Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen
Washington State Legislative BoardWorkplace Safety, Health and Education
What We Do
Local DEMO has been fighting for working class families for more than 70 year. We stand up for our members in the legislative, political, and social landscapes.
Who We Are
Our staff is made up of hard working men and women who know workers rights. Our E-Board has more than 100 years of combined experience standing up to employers.
Who We Represent
We represent works from this specific industry. This type of worker, that type of worker, you can enter any details you want in this spot.LAWS AND REGULATIONS
Washington Job Protection Agreement
Taft - Hartley Act
Landrum - Griffin Act
Wagner Act
Railway Labor Act
Railroad Safety Improvement Act
Federal Employers Liability Act
Family Medical Leave Act
Federal Transit Act
The Union provides a Legislative voice in Washington D.C., and stability to the retirement system, of Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen - Membership. All progressed through the Labor Movement. Sacrifices, made directly by Railroaders that have earned the right to have it. Railroad Retirement is not a gift, it was earned. Railroaders have made the company's and executives successful. Railroad Retirement is a pay as you go system, and must have continued investment by the workforce. Railroad Workers numbers have reduced, but the RRB has found ways to create a prosperous present and future. This is important to pass on to the future workforce, so they have a viable retirement.
There is a pending retirement crisis, and 401k are not a silver bullet retirement fund. These plans were intended to be an addition, not a permanent solution. As information, for those who have worked in other industries, Social Security earnings can be rolled into Railroad Retirement.
Under Railroad Retirement, the following are made available to the railroad workers.
- Survivor Benefits
- Retirement at 60 years of age, versus 65 for the non-railroad workers.
- $2 million dollars received over retirement years. Non-railroad workers will receive less then half - $900,000.00.
Currently, the RRB is being monitarily pinched by Congress. Reducing services to our members through staff reductions, etc. Less then $0.01cent, goes to to the RRB Administration from the US Government. A minimum of 1 hour wait times, for services to be provided by phone, 300 days for disability benefits. What this essentially accounts for, is the inadequate budget provided by the current president, to the RRB. A portion of Mick Mulvaney's budget proposal, the co-founder of the House Freedom Caucus, is to make cuts to Social Security. In doing so, cuts to disability benefits directly affects railroaders, as this is our basis for Railroad Retirement.
Under Sequestration, monies set aside for Government Programs, none of this money to be received by railroaders - $60 million dollars total have been cut. This money does not aide the Federal Deficit, but goes to the pockets of the Corporations.
President Trump suggests to reconstruct the Executive Branch, which would essentially deconstruct the Railroad Retirement Board, as it is a part of this branch of government.
There have also been talks of a private pension, which is a very bad idea, as it would be based on negotiated employer contributions. Under Railroad Retirement, we all pay into our retirement as workers, and the railroad pays no matter what.
As words of understanding, fight any and all projected changes to Railroad Retirement, and Right to Work will weaken our union and disable our ability to protect Railroad Retirement.
Elections Senator Liz Lovelett, 40th Legislative District Senator Phil Fortunato, 31st Legislative District Senator Hanz Zeiger, 25th Legislative District Senator Ann Rivers, 18th Legislative District >>View All Action Center